Make a Change
(c) Mitsuko Komuro MP3

Sitting beside you, looking at your face,
talking about the common life.
Something more inside, something more special
I wanna talk about...

How long does it take for us
to get to know each other?
We could be in love right now
we'd be so good together.

Say that you need me when you're lonely,
I can feel the way you do.
Don't be afraid of being as you really are,
yeah yeah.
Say that you want me, feel it, baby,
I've been waiting for you to.
Don't be scared of the future, you don't have to care, no, no !

Walking together, laughing together,
it's just like how we used to be.
Something is missing, something is lacking,
I wanna make a change.

How long does it take for us
to get to know each other?
We could be in love right now
we'd be so good together.

Say that you need me when you're lonely,
I can feel the way you do.
Don't be afraid of being as you really are,
yeah yeah.
Say that you want me, feel it, baby,
I've been waiting for you to.
Don't be scared of the future, you don't have to care, no, no !



互いを知るのに どれくらいかかるのかしら
今ここで すぐに恋に落ちることもできるのに

さびしいときは 私が必要だって言って
あなたが感じるように 私も感じられるのよ
ありのままの自分を 恐れないで
そうしてもらうのを ずっとまっているの
未来なんて恐れないで 気にすることないわ

いっしょに歩いて いっしょに笑って

互いを知るのに どれくらいかかるのかしら
今ここで すぐに恋に落ちることもできるのに

さびしいときは 私が必要だって言って
あなたが感じるように 私も感じられるのよ
ありのままの自分を 恐れないで
そうしてもらうのを ずっとまっているの
未来なんて恐れないで 気にすることないわ

words: Piccollina (micco)
Music: Euro King

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